Monday, November 26, 2012

Not sure where this is going . . .

Or what this will be about . . . but I thought it might be fun to try my hand at writing.  Right now running is on my mind, because it's the one thing I love most and the one thing I can't do right now.  After five months of marathon training I am suffering from the dreaded runners knee, and I didn't even get to run the Marathon!!!

I entered the marathon on a whim - yes in one of my nerdiest moves ever I came home a little tipsy and decided to enter the NYC marathon lottery figuring, no one ever actually gets in through the lottery.   I am living proof that this is actually not true.  I got in through the lottery. 

Then I trained for 5 months was getting really pumped to run a marathon under 3 hours and 45 minutes (and maybe as fast as 3 hours and 30 minutes).  And then well you know what happened . . . the NYC marathon is cancelled. 

So anyway, been thinking about starting a blog about running, and well now that I am not running I have time to start the blog, but of course nothing to write about.  I might write about some other things too . . . but well here we are.