Sunday, January 27, 2013

Easing Back Into Racing

As previously discussed my 10k yesterday not fast.  And it wasn't easy.  And well it was the closest I have ever come to missing the start of a race. I planned to wake up at 6, take my time getting ready, have a little something to eat and head out to prospect park around 7:15.  I was even thinking about jogging there. Instead, I didn't set my alarm (well I set it but for a week day and yesterday was a weekend day oopsies) and woke up at 7:12, race started at 8!  Doh! I managed to get my clothes on and get out the door by 7:30, and make it to the start just in time, but definitely not the calm relaxing warm up I expected.  On the other hand, I didn't have to hang around in the cold for a long time before the race. My run buddy Kara was also late . . . she started 15 minutes after the race started.  I guess it just wasn't our morning. 

As anticipated my time wasn't fast, but it wasn't bad either.  And it felt really good to run hard for a 10k.  Nothing better than that feeling right after crossing the finish line, breathing hard, legs a little stiff.  I definitely earned that cup of hot cocoa.  And this was the song in my head when I need to put a little extra spring in my step.  And well it felt so good yesterday I got out for another good run this morning.  It feels good to be a runner again. 

Friday, January 25, 2013

Tomorrow is a big day.  I will be putting on a number and running the Brrrrooklyn Hot Chocolate 10k.  My knee still hurts a touch.  But according to the MRI there are no issues to be concerned about.  Which is good, because by nature I assume the worst, so I actually ran a lot this week under the assumption that my MRI would reveal that I should never ever run again. I know smart logic.

So, tomorrow morning I strap a number on for the first time since August.   I am not looking to be fast.  I am just looking to finish.  Oh.  And have fun! 

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Running 1st, Life Later

So . . . I've been focusing on running.  A lot.  My knee still hurts but I have added more regular strength and stretching sessions to my workouts in an effort to alleviate the pain.  And well I just can't not run. That somehow hurts more.  I had an x-ray a few weeks ago that showed nothing.  I had an MRI last week and I will find out the results on Thursday, and part of me thinks I am running so much, because I am secretly scared that I soon won't be able to run at all.

Also, I need to use all the run gear I have purchased here (because if you can't run, you might as well prepare to run or something).  And well this stuff is so stylish, even if I can never run again, I can still wear this gear right?  Right?  (don't say right - say "sure, well I mean right, but really you will get to run again). 

I have signed up for six races in the last month.  I think last year I may have run a total of 2 races.  So um yeah.  If I buy running clothes and sign up for races then I won't ever not be able to run right?  Also, it's a way to avoid bigger decisions . . . like figuring out what I want to be when I grow up.  Now do you get it?